Zenith Trans-Oceanic Clipper - 7G605 manuals, reprint.

These are digitally copied and enhanced manuals for the Zenith Trans-Oceanic Clipper; 7G605; Bomber/Sailboat; chassis 7B04.  They have been copied from originals and are clear, clean, and easy to read.  They are printed on premium 24# paper with heavy covers.  The operating manual is saddle stitched (stapled in the fold) just as the original.  The service sheet is a large folded sheet just like the original.  No more struggling with unreadable photocopies!

The operating manual is about 5 1/2" X 8" with about 16 pages.  It includes: waverod operation, wavemagnet operation, standard operation, general features, power source, battery operation, operation on DC or AC power, tuning the broadcast band, tuning shortwave bands, using in an automobile, the shortwave logging chart, dial numbers, tube positions, radiorgan tone mastery, and headphone operation.

The service sheet is a large one piece 11" X 17" folded sheet.  It includes:  a one piece 11" X 17" schematic, tube socket voltages, tube placement diagram, trimmer locations, alignment procedure, and parts list.