Service manual for Zenith Tube Trans-Oceanic Receivers (non-military), reprint.

This is a digitally copied and enhanced manual for the Zenith tube type Trans-Oceanic Receivers.  It is made up of the service sheets from the Zenith service manuals and is clear, clean, and easy to read.  It is printed on premium 24# paper with heavy covers and bound with a plastic comb.  No more struggling with unreadable photocopies!

The manual consists of:

  1. The model 7G605, chassis 7B04, service sheet is a large one piece 11" X 17" folded sheet.  It includes:  a one piece 11" X 17" schematic, tube socket voltages, tube placement diagram, trimmer locations, alignment procedure, and parts list.

  2. The model 8G005, chassis 8C40, service sheet  is a large one piece 11" X 17" folded sheet.  It includes:  a one piece 11" X 17" schematic, some tube socket voltages, dial stringing diagram, tube placement diagram, trimmer locations, alignment procedure, "to the serviceman", and parts list.

  3. The model 8G005YT(Z1) & 85005YT(Z2), chassis 8C40T(Z1) & 8C40T(Z2), service sheet  is a large one piece 11" X 17" folded sheet.  It includes:  a one piece 11" X 17" schematic, some tube socket voltages, dial stringing diagram, tube placement diagram, trimmer locations, alignment procedure, "to the serviceman", and parts list.

  4. The model G500, chassis 5G40, service sheet is a large one piece 11" X 17" folded sheet.  It includes:  a one piece 11" X 17" schematic, parts list, some tube socket voltages, alignment procedure, "to the serviceman", chassis layout, rear view of the band selector switch, and dial stringing diagram.

  5. The model H500, chassis 5H40, service sheet is a large one piece 11" X 17" folded sheet.  It includes:  a one piece 11" X 17" schematic, parts list, some tube socket voltages, alignment procedure, "to the serviceman", chassis layout, rear view of the band selector switch, and dial stringing diagram.

  6. The model L600, chassis 6L40, service sheet is a large one piece 11" X 17" folded sheet.  It includes:  a one piece 11" X 17" schematic, parts list, some tube socket voltages, alignment procedure, "to the serviceman", chassis layout, rear view of the band selector switch, and dial stringing diagram.

  7. The model R600 & R600L, chassis 6R40 & 6R41, service sheet is a large one piece 11" X 23" folded sheet.  It includes:  a one piece 11" X 23" schematic, chassis parts list, cabinet parts list, alignment procedure, "to the serviceman", some tube socket voltages, chassis layout, rear view of the band selector switch, and dial stringing diagram.

  8. The model T600 & T600L, chassis 6T40 & 6T41, service sheet is a large one piece 11" X 23" fold sheet.  It includes:  a one piece 11" X 23" schematic, chassis parts list, some tube socket voltages, cabinet parts list, alignment procedure, "to the serviceman:, chassis layout, rear view of the band selector switch, and dial stringing diagram.

  9. The model T600 & T600L, chassis 6T40Z & 6T41Z, service sheet is a large one piece 11" X 23" fold sheet.  It includes:  a one piece 11" X 23" schematic, chassis parts list, some tube socket voltages, cabinet parts list, alignment procedure, "to the serviceman:, chassis layout, rear view of the band selector switch, and dial stringing diagram.

  10. The model Y600 &Y600L, chassis 6T40Z & 6T41Z, service sheet is a large one piece 11" X 23"folded sheet.  It includes:  a one piece 11" X 23" schematic, chassis parts list, cabinet parts list, alignment procedure, "to the serviceman", some tube socket voltages, chassis layout, rear view of the band selector switch, and dial stringing diagram.

  11. The model A600 & A600L, chassis 6A40 & 6A41, service sheet is a large one piece 11" X 30" folded sheet.  It includes:  a one piece 11" X 20" schematic, chassis parts list, some tube socket voltages, cabinet parts list, alignment procedure, "to the serviceman", chassis layout, rear view of the band selector switch, and dial stringing diagram.

  12. The model B600 & B600L, chassis 6A40 & 6A41, service sheet is a large one piece 11" X 30" folded sheet.  It includes:  a one piece 11" X 20" schematic, chassis parts list, some tube socket voltages, cabinet parts list, alignment procedure, "to the serviceman", chassis layout, rear view of the band selector switch, and dial stringing diagram. 2