Hammarlund Comet Pro #4 manual, reprint.

This is a digitally copied and enhanced manual for the Hammarlund Comet Pro.  It has been copied from an original and is clear, clean, and easy to read.  It is printed on premium 24# paper and bound with a plastic comb.  No more struggling with unreadable photocopies!.

It  measures approximately 8 1/2 by 11 inches and has 14 pages plus a large one piece 11" X 17" fold out schematic. Topics include: description of standard models, band spread feature, electronic coupled oscillator, screen grid pentodes as detectors and IF amplifiers, high-power humless output and smooth control of sensitivity, CW reception, performance data, antenna systems, description of crystal model, description of AVC model, special models, loudspeakers, and schematic.