Knight Ten-2 C.B. Checker Assembly and Operator's manuals, reprint.

These are digitally copied and enhanced manuals for the Knight Ten-2 C.B. Checker.  They have been copied from originals and are clear, clean, and easy to read.  They are printed on premium 24# paper with heavy covers and bound together with a plastic comb.  No more struggling with unreadable photocopies!

The manual measures 8 1/2" X 11" and is the operation manual and the unmarked construction manual bound together.

Topics for the assembly manual include:  construction hints, construction steps, construction diagrams, and service hints.

Topics for the operator's manual include:  control functions, How to Use Your Ten-2 C.B. Checker:  modulation percentage indicator - positive and negative peaks, field strength meter, crystal activity checker, CB transmission monitor, oscilloscope monitor, RF generator, code practice oscillator, audio frequency generator, circuit description, maintenance, maintenance adjustments, service hints, parts list, and schematic.