TM11-856A (Collins R-390A/URR) manual, reprint.

This is a digitally copied and enhanced Dept. of Army technical manual TM11-856A ( Collins R-390A/URR). It is clear, clean, and easy to read.  It is printed on premium 24# paper with heavy covers and bound with a plastic comb.  No more struggling with unreadable photocopies!

The TM11-856A manual measures 8 1/2" X 11" with about 196 pages including nine large one piece fold outs.  Topics include: introduction, installation, operation, organizational maintenance, theory, field maintenance, shipment and limited storage and demolition, voltage diagrams, parts location diagrams, and index.

The one piece foldouts include:

  • 19" Block Diagram

  • 19" Function Switch S-102 Diagram

  • 19" Tuning Block Diagram

  • 17" RF Gear train Exploded View

  • 17" Filament and Oven Circuits

  • 34" B+ Circuits

  • 17" Wiring Harness

As per the original the schematic is provided in two sections:

  • 23" RF subchassis, VFO subchassis, crystal oscillator subchassis, power supply subchassis, and part of the AF subchassis.
  • 23" crystal oscillator subchassis, IF subchassis, and part of the AF subchassis.